Off Radar : It's a movie podcast

7. Bobby Temps : Depression

James Smith, Bobby Temps Season 1 Episode 7

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Today I had a chat with podcaster Bobby Temps from the hugely successful podcast '‘Mental - The Podcast to Destigmatise Mental Health'. We chatted about his podcast, his battle with depression & anorexia, plus we spoke about his campaign to get mental health taught in schools.

Bobby first became interested in mental health when he was diagnosed with depression as a teenager then later with an eating disorder. Working for Nightline and the Samaritans he learned more about mental illness and views ‘Mental - The Podcast to Destigmatise Mental Health' which he hosts as a way to give back by reducing stigma. He also leads the campaign for mental health education in the UK which includes his petition for this that has reached over 195,000 signatures and been instrumental in making changes already.
Check out the campaign and the pod... links below.

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